Report a Crime
Silent Witness
To report a crime confidentially on-line use our Silent Witness Form.
On the Phone or In-Person
When do I call 911?: To report emergencies or non-emergency criminal violations, dial the 24-hour emergency number 911 from all University telephones, 911 from public phones located on University property or cell phones. Those needing to use TTY/TDD feature can dial 911 also.
Emergency phones: Use any of the emergency phones located on walkways, parking lots, and elevators throughout campus; these provide a direct line to the Emergency 911 Center at the Public Safety Building.
CrimeStoppers Program: Dial 919-942-7515 to report information about a crime anonymously to the Chapel Hill-Carrboro-UNC Police CrimeStoppers.
Police Officer: Contact an officer on patrol or go to the Public Safety Building located at 285 Manning Drive, Chapel Hill, 24 hours a day.
Non-Emergency Calls: For non-emergency calls to report crimes dial 919-962-8100 or 919-962-6565. Those needing to use TTY/TDD feature can dial 911 also.