When Do I Call 911?
In an emergency, call 911 immediately from a campus phone or your cell phone or text 911 if you can’t call. Our 911 operators will assist you and send appropriate emergency responders if needed.
Call if you can, text if you can’t.
Call 911 if you see anything that needs an immediate police, fire or emergency response.
- A suspicious person or someone posing a threat
- Any display of a weapon
- Any threats to harm one’s self or others
- Assault or immediate danger of an assault
- Chemical spills
- Explosions
- Fires
- Severe injuries, illnesses or someone choking or drowning
- Suspicious object or package
- Unusual odors
- Other crimes in progress
Every second counts. When you dial 911 from a University phone or a Blue Emergency Call Box, the call goes directly to UNC Police for immediate response from campus and coordination with other authorities.