Sexual Assault Programs and Response Procedures
Programs and Procedures for Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking as required by the Clery Act (as amended by the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act) and for Sexual Assault and Other Forms of Sexual Harassment Prohibited by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972.
The Clery Act, as amended by the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act (VAWA), requires colleges and universities to address domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking through programs, awareness campaigns, policies, and procedures. Title IX is an important civil rights law that protects individuals from discrimination based upon sex in federally funded education programs or activities. Sexual harassment of students, which includes acts of sexual violence or sexual assault, is a form of discrimination based on sex that is prohibited by Title IX. Regulations on Title IX require grievance procedures that provide for the prompt and equitable resolution of sex discrimination complaints and guidance on Title IX recommends prevention, awareness, resource, and responsible employee training programs for individuals with reporting responsibilities.
The University has and will continue to take a series of specific and continuing steps in compliance with these federal requirements and recommendations to address these types of conduct, including sexual violence, sexual assault (including rape and acquaintance rape), sexual battery, sexual coercion, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking (hereinafter referred to as “sexual violence and related misconduct”) as further defined in the Clery Act and Title IX.
Educational Programs for Students, Faculty, and Staff
UNC has educational programs for students, faculty, and staff to promote the prevention and awareness of sexual violence and related misconduct. Together, the programs the University has implemented include information about many of the specific topics outlined in OCR guidance and the VAWA amendments to the Clery Act:
- Statements that the University prohibits sex discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual violence, dating violence, and stalking;
- The definition of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking in this jurisdiction;
- The definition of consent in reference to sexual activity;
- Positive, safe approaches to bystander intervention;
- Information on risk reduction to recognize warning signs of abusive behavior;
- Information on how to report incidents of stalking, sexual violence, or relationship violence and seek support; and
- Information about trauma, including neurobiological change.
The following trainings and programs are among those offered by the University.
Equal Opportunity and Compliance Office
The Equal Opportunity and Compliance Office also provides information about sexual assault, University policies, and resources in hard-copy and online handbooks for new students and parents that are distributed at Orientation to supplement information provided in-person by staff during Orientation sessions and information fairs. The EOC also provides training to resident advisers, community partners, sports groups, and organizations about these types of prohibited conduct and resource and reporting options.
The Equal Opportunity and Compliance Office also continues to maintain, in close collaboration with other campus partners, the website Safe at UNC, the main portal for undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, staff, and visitors at UNC-Chapel Hill for resources and information about discrimination, harassment, sexual violence, interpersonal violence, and stalking. It includes information about the University’s response and prevention efforts, as well as community resources. The website was created by several UNC-Chapel Hill departments, offices, and centers that provide response and prevention services.
North Carolina General Statutes Chapter 14, Article 7B defines rape and sexual assault, which includes the crimes of sexual offense and sexual battery. More information can be found at North Carolina General Statutes Definition for Rape and Sexual Assault.
North Carolina General Statute Chapter 14 provides definitions for both stalking (14-277.3A) and cyberstalking (14196.3). More information can be found at:
North Carolina does not have a state statute defining consent to sexual activity. North Carolina criminal law prohibits sexual acts that are by force and against the will of the other person or acts that are against people who are mentally disabled, mentally incapacitated, or physically helpless. In determining whether a person gave consent, or was capable of giving consent, the facts of the particular situation will be assessed. Physical resistance is not necessary to prove the lack of consent, nor is actual force. In North Carolina, consent is not submission due to fear, fright, coercion, or the realization that in the particular situation resistance is futile.
The University’s Policy on Prohibited Discrimination, Harassment and Related Misconduct does provide a definition of consent. The policy states that:
- Consent is the communication of an affirmative, conscious and freely made decision by each participant to engage in agreed upon forms of Sexual Contact. Consent requires an outward demonstration, through understandable words or actions, that conveys a clear willingness to engage in Sexual Contact.
- Consent is not to be inferred from silence, passivity, or a lack of resistance, and relying on non-verbal communication alone may result in a violation of this Policy.
- Consent is not to be inferred from an existing or previous dating or sexual relationship, or from consent to sexual activity on any prior occasion.
- Consent cannot be obtained by Coercion or Force or by taking advantage of one’s inability to give Consent because of Incapacitation or other circumstances
Procedures for Reporting Sexual Violence and Related Misconduct
For non-emergency situations, parties wishing to report conduct should call local law enforcement and ask to speak with an investigator. Local law enforcement agencies can be reached at the following non-emergency numbers:
- On campus – UNC Police at 919-962-8100
- In Chapel Hill – Chapel Hill Police Department at 919-968-2760
- In Carrboro – Carrboro Police Department at 919-918-7397
- In Orange County (outside city limits) – Orange County Sheriff’s Office at 919-245-2900
The preservation of evidence is important in these cases. Evidence collected can be used to support a report and may be helpful in obtaining a protection order through the court system. In order to preserve evidence, an individual who has experienced sexual assault is encouraged not to change clothes, bathe, or use the bathroom prior to seeking medical assistance. The individual may have a forensic exam completed either at UNC Hospitals by a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner or at Campus Health Services. A forensic exam can be completed up to five days after an assault. If an individual first reports sexual violence to law enforcement, they can transport the individual to receive medical assistance. In many cases, the cost of treatment can be covered by UNC’s Survivor Assistance Fund.
If an individual seeks medical assistance, Campus Health Services or UNC Hospitals personnel will, at the individual’s request, contact law enforcement. It is the decision of the individual who has experienced sexual violence as to whether to speak with a law enforcement officer at the time the forensic exam is completed. Under North Carolina law, an individual can opt to have evidence collected and have the evidence held while they decide when or if they wish to make a report to law enforcement. Individuals are encouraged to consider preserving evidence as soon as possible after an incident regardless of whether the individual has made the decision to contact law enforcement and/or to report the incident to the University.
In addition to pursuing criminal charges through the legal system, an individual who has experienced sexual violence and related misconduct can choose to report the incident to the University, which provides the option of addressing the incident under the University’s Policy on Prohibited Discrimination, Harassment and Related Misconduct. Reports of sexual violence and related misconduct are submitted to the University’s Equal Opportunity and Compliance Office, which includes the Title IX Compliance Coordinator and Report and Response Coordinators, or the Office of the Dean of Students:
- Equal Opportunity and Compliance Office
- Franklin Street, Suite 404, 919-966-3576
- Title IX Compliance Coordinator
- Franklin Street, Suite 23, 919-445-1577
- Report and Response Coordinators
- 137 E. Franklin Street, Suite 23, 919-843-3878 or 919-445-1578
- 450 Ridge Road, SASB North, Suite 3226, Room 3225A, 919-843-3878 or 919-445-1578
- Office of the Dean of Students
- 450 Ridge Road, SASB North, Suite 1125, 919-966-4042
These resources will also assist employees and students in notifying UNC police and other local police authorities, as requested.
- Individuals can download the Anonymous Reporting Form and return it to the Dean of Students office. These reports are shared with the Title IX Compliance Coordinator, Office of the Dean of Students, and UNC police.
- Individuals can complete anonymous reporting cards at “comment boxes” located in restrooms in the Carolina Union, Student Recreation Center and Ram’s Head Recreation Center. These boxes are checked by the Gender Violence Services Coordinators and the Report and Response Coordinators in the Equal opportunity and Compliance Office.
- Individuals can submit an anonymous report of any crime, including sexual assault and interpersonal violence, via UNC police’s Silent Witness website. These reports are reviewed by UNC police, but will generally not result in an investigation.
Under all procedures for investigations (“administrative review” for procedures involving employees as responding parties) for incidents of sexual violence and related misconduct, the Equal Opportunity and Compliance Office will first conduct an investigation and determine whether there has been a violation of the Policy on Prohibited Discrimination, Harassment and Related Misconduct using a preponderance of the evidence (“more likely than not”) standard; depending upon the outcome and preferences of the parties, there may be also be a hearing. The investigators and hearing panelists receive an annual training and ongoing training throughout the year on issues related to sexual violence and related misconduct. They are also provided training on how to conduct investigations and hearings in a fair and equitable manner that both protects the safety of those involved and promotes accountability.
Under the procedures for reports involving students as the reporting party and a University employee as a responding party, concerns of EHRA Faculty and Non-faculty employees, and concerns of SHRA employees, the University encourages individuals to bring reports within 180 calendar days of the alleged prohibited conduct. The University expects that an administrative review will be performed within 45 calendar days of receiving the report unless an extension has been granted. The appropriate dean, director, or department chair will have no more than five calendar days to either accept or reject the recommendations provided in the administrative review report, subject to any appeal rights of the parties involved. The Equal Opportunity and Compliance Office will notify the parties, to the extent permitted by law, of the results of the administrative review and of the efforts to resolve the complaint within ten calendar days after the final report is issued. Time frames for appeals vary based on the individual’s status as an employee or student.
- The nature and scope of the alleged conduct, including whether the reported misconduct involves the use of a weapon;
- The respective ages and roles of the reporting and responding parties;
- The risk posed to any individual or to the campus community by not proceeding, including the risk of additional violence;
- Whether there have been other reports of misconduct by the responding party;
- Whether the report reveals a pattern of misconduct (e.g., via illicit use of drugs or alcohol) at a given location or by a particular group;
- The reporting party’s wish to pursue disciplinary action;
- Whether the University possesses other means to obtain relevant evidence;
- Considerations of fundamental fairness and due process with respect to the responding party should the course of action include disciplinary action; and
- The University’s obligation to provide a safe and non-discriminatory environment.
Where possible based on the facts and circumstances, the Equal Opportunity and Compliance Office will seek action consistent with the reporting party’s expressed preference for manner of resolution, recognizing that the University must move forward with cases in which there appears to be a threat to any individual or the University as a whole. The University’s ability to fully investigate and respond to a report may be limited if the reporting party requests that their name not be disclosed to the responding party or declines to participate in an investigation.
Services and Support for Individuals Affected by Sexual Violence or Related Misconduct
Individuals disclosing sexual violence or related misconduct to the University are notified in writing of counseling, health, mental health, and victim advocacy services. Individuals may seek confidential emotional and psychological support as well as medical care from on-campus University resources for incidents of sexual violence and related misconduct by contacting:
- Campus Health Services (students): 919-966-2281
- CAPS (students) 919-966-3658
- ComPsych Employee Assistance Program Service (employees): 877-314-5841
- Gender Violence Services Coordinators (students and employees) 919-962-1343 or 919-962-7430
- Confidential by University policy because it does not constitute a report to the University
- University Ombuds Office (students and employees) 919-843-8204
- Confidential by University policy because it does not constitute a report to the University
Confidential off-campus resources include:
- Compass Center for Women and Families: 919-929-7122
- Emergency Department at UNC Hospitals: 919-966-4721
- Orange County Rape Crisis Center: 919-967-7273
Identifying information shared with a confidential resource will not be disclosed to anyone else, including the University, without the reporting party’s express permission, unless there is a continuing threat of serious harm or there is a legal obligation to reveal such information (e.g., suspected abuse of a minor). At the student’s request, the University offices
- Equal Opportunity and Compliance Office
- Title IX Compliance Coordinator
- Report and Response Coordinators
- Gender Violence Services Coordinators
- Campus Health Services
- UNC Police Department
- Office of the Dean of Students
- Department of Housing and Residential Education
- Office of Human Resources
- Academic deans and advisors
These measures, which include no contact orders, counseling, workplace accommodations, and academic (e.g., extension of time to complete class work, withdrawal from a course, section or schedule change) and housing accommodations, are available regardless of whether the affected individual pursues adjudication under the University Policy or through criminal proceedings.
The Department of Housing and Residential Education also provides several safe spaces in campus housing for temporary use. These spaces are located in the residence halls and provide the option for a support person to accompany the affected individual until other arrangements are confirmed. Arrangements for safe spaces are made by contacting UNC Police at 919-962-8100, which will connect the affected individual to the live-in professional staff on-call.